Described below are some of the projects I have been working on over the last two years,
together with links to their implementations.
- TruPL Compiler,
a complete compiler written in C++ for the TruPL programming language.
- CWizard,
a command-line utility that allows competitive programmers to manage
solutions written in C/C++.
- AlgoHandbook,
a collection of advanced data structures and algorithms, validated with unit tests, written
in Java.
- Grammarizer,
context-free grammar transformers for syntax analysis.
- Contest Archive,
a repository of solutions I wrote during my participation in various online judges.
- Caro Game,
a Java implementation of the popular oriental game Gomoku.
- QuickDLP,
a lightweight data loss prevention tool.
- MotionSimulator
and BattleSpace,
a collection of Java applications written for my programming classes.